Monday, 22 March 2010

A new concept

After our extremely beneficial visit from FOUND and King Creosote we had our idea ripped away from us and replaced with something far better which Robbie and I have refined and started work on. Here's a brief explanation of our new concept.....

The hardware consists of four wooden cubes which we have almost finished constructing. Inside each cube will be a tilt switch. This will be used to activate a sample assigned to each cube. The tilt switches will be wired to our microcontroller and then to the mac. The software running on the computer will be PICAXE which will be triggering the sample on Puredata. So basically, turn the cubes to triggered looping samples.

So far we have almost built cubes and our Puredate coding. The coding was sent to us by Paul, an Interactive Media Design graduate who is very experienced with Max/MSP. As far as we are aware it is about 6 panels on which samples can be loaded and triggered by the activation of buttons. We will probably need to make small tweaks so it is more compatible with our device.

Here's what we need to do; finish our four cubes; receive our tilt switches and cables which we have just ordered; wire them up; write our PICAXE coding so that it will trigger samples on Puredata when signals are received from the tilt switches; and finally I will start making samples for our cubes to play.

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